To get the knowledge on something, sky is the limit. And with the advent of internet, things have become so easy. But when it comes to your health, you need a really genuine piece of information.
And this is the most difficult thing to do when so many websites are overloaded with the so-called reliable information on hemorrhoids.
A fake information on a fake website just to pull traffic and to make money can play havoc to your life. And this is the only reason why i am here to help you to get rid of this bloody beast called hemorrhoids. In our such a busy life, nobody has the time to do exercise at home or to pay frequent visits to a physician. And even if we manage to do so, we fail to get out the best out of it due to some or the other reason. Also, medicines are not free from side-effects.
So, i will tell you the home remedies to get rid of this bloody beast, hemorrhoids. Sometimes, hemorrhoids is also referred with the name- piles or it is sometimes spelled as hemroids or haemorrhoid.
But before going for the natural home remedies, you need to change your lifestyle from certain aspects.
Causes of hemorrhoids:
1. The main cause that leads to the birth of hemorrhoids over a human body is the excessive pressure forced over the veins of the pelvic and the rectal systems while passing stool. And this pressure leads to the swelling of the veins which get highly prone to damage. The sufferer may experience itching and irritation in and around the anus. Though these symptoms are not a dangerous sign of any disease but the discomfort they cause to the sufferer can lead to weakness if not treated in time.
The increasing pressure on the veins may lead to the damaging of the nearby tissues resulting into blood in the stool.
2. Another such reason for its cause is the manner in which you pass the stool. Wrong habits of passing the stool are like:
Not providing sufficient time to pass stool- In this way the large intestine is damaged while passing the fecal waste. This results in rupturing of veins and damaging the tissues.
Constipation- One of the main causes of hemorrhoids is constipation. This causes extra pressure on the veins to pass the stool leading to the damage of the large intestine.
Diarrhea- Too frequent passing of stool also leads to the damage of the intestine resulting in the disease. Though the fecal matter is soft yet its repetitions may become one of the main causes.
Lack of liquid intake- A daily diet lacking in sufficient water intake makes your stool dry and hard.
Sudden lifting of heavy weights- This puts extra pressure on veins and tissues. But this is not found among those who are used to lift heavy weights in routine rather this affects to a greater level to those who are obese or overweight.
Pregnancy- During delivery time, maximum pressure is put on the anal system (the moment the baby comes out).
Heart and Liver diseases- When blood is pooled in and around the pelvic system, the enlarging of the veins leads to hemorrhoids.
Some more causes of hemorrhoids:
1. insufficient sleep
2. intake of too much spicy and oily foods
3. irregularity in passing stool
4. long sitting hours
5. lack of movement
6. working in high temperature areas
7. tobacco intake
8. addiction to smoking
9. unstable mental conditions All these harmful habits in your routine lead to excessive heat in your body thereby resulting in hemorrhoids.
Anybody and everybody can experience it at any stage of life.
So, to get rid of this problem, you should make efforts to change your lifestyle to get permanently rid of hemorrhoids. And this asks for a lot of patience and faith in your own efforts. Do not expect anybody to come and to treat your problem with some magic or whatever. Be real.
Time is too precious for those who want to live in the real sense. Its not wise enough to lead a life full of problems of which you yourself are the root cause. You are your own doctor.
All the very best, my friend!
Navneet Brar is one of the very few who love to help others in need, just by sharing useful information on anything and everything on internet for FREE. So, go for the natural cure for hemorrhoids and get rid of this bloody beast forever. And to get the latest updates on anything on internet, kindly visit his website