Internal hemorrhoid and external hemorrhoid are the two main types of hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the rectum and can remain undetected for a long time. External hemorrhoid, on the other hand, can be felt outside the anal opening and are usually more prone to symptoms. Pain around the anus when the patient remains seated or during bowel movements, itching around the area, lump formation and blood secretion are some of the symptoms of the condition. The presence of symptoms requires you to make an appointment with the doctor to avoid complications. One such painful condition is a thrombosed hemorrhoid which can occur when hemorrhoids are left untreated.
Causes for hemorrhoid can be on account of numerous reasons. Constipation that causes undue pressure on the anal canal and rectum, possibly causing injury, is said to be a common cause for hemorrhoid. A poor intake of fiber-rich diet and increased level of highly refined foods may result in constipation, which again can lead to hemorrhoids. The inappropriate use of laxatives is another reason for this painful condition. Obesity, pregnancy and anal intercourse are other reasons for the development of this condition.
While under certain circumstances it can be detected through routine physical examination, at times the doctor will request for tests like stool guaiac, sigmoidoscopy or anoscopy. If there is a loss of blood, the patient will be required to go for a complete blood count test to rule out that he is not anemic. A person with a family history of colon cancer has to consult a doctor at the earliest onset of any symptoms to eliminate the possibility of a more serious cause.
Depending on the severity of the condition, one can treat the condition at home or in some instances, surgery may become needed. Treatments take the shape of hot sitz baths three times a day and after bowel movements to offer relief from pain. Improved intake of water and other fluids along with leafy vegetables and fiber to reduce constipation is often time helpful. The use of stool softeners and the application of ointments, suppositories and creams can both reduce flare ups and treat symptoms. Sometimes the doctors will have to treat hemorrhoid using surgical and non-medicinal methods like cryotherapy, stapled hemorrhoidectomy, rubber band ligation, hemorrhoidectomy, hemorrhoidolysis, sclerotherapy, or Doppler guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation techniques.
Hemorrhoids are a condition that can be prevented to a greater extent by enhancing fluid intake and a fiber-rich diet, supplemented by whole grains. But, if you find yourself experiencing any symptoms, your best course of action is to get a doctor's exam. Don't worry too much, because in most cases hemroids are treated with over the counter medications and most people don't require surgery.
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