Hemorrhoids is a condition in which the veins located in the rectum and the anal canal swell to an unusually large size, causing great pain and discomfort. This condition afflicts millions of people every year, and is caused by:
o Constipation
o Diarrhea
o Lack of exercise
Hemorrhoids caused by constipation can be treated with the intake of foods that start with the letter P.
Foods Starting with P That Prevent Hemorrhoids
One of the best ways of preventing or curing constipation and hemorrhoids is to consume healthy, fiber-rich, digestive food. Fiber helps in:
o Softening the stools
o Stimulating bowel contractions and easing elimination
Foods starting with P that are rich in insoluble fiber are:
o Prunes
o Peas
o Psyllium
o Pears
o Papaya
Other nutrients that prevent hemorrhoids are:
Complex carbohydrates
Complex carbohydrates are essential for healthy bowel function. Foods rich in these are:
o Potatoes
o Pasta (wheat)
Broccoli, blackberries and brown rice are also rich sources of complex carbohydrates.
Vitamin B complex
All B vitamins help improve digestion, reduce stress on the anal area and prevent hemorrhoids. Vitamin B-rich foods are:
o Peas
o Potatoes
o Papaya
o Pork
o Peanuts
o Pulses
Vitamin C
This vitamin helps in toning and shrinking the swollen veins, thus hastening healing. Foods rich in vitamin C include:
o Potatoes
o Pears
o Papaya
Vitamin E
This vitamin promotes blood clotting and healing, and eases rectal bleeding. Foods rich in Vitamin E are:
o Peanuts
o Pine nuts
o Peanut butter
Almonds, dry roasted sunflower seeds and tomato paste are also rich sources of Vitamin E.
The mineral Zinc helps hasten the healing process and is found abundantly in.
o Pork
o Peanuts
Flavonoids, such as hesperidin, rutin and diosmin, help:
o Strengthen the veins
o Reduce the severity and duration of hemorrhoid symptoms
o Pomegranates
o Pomaceous fruit like apples
Anthocyanins help reduce hemorrhoids by
o Strengthening the veins
o Reducing permeability
Foods rich in anthocyanins are:
o Pomegranates
These pigments reduce the fragility and permeability of small veins and capillaries. Hence, it helps in soothing the swollen anal and rectal veins. Foods rich in quercetin are:
o Pears
o Apples
o Cranberries
The blood clotting property of calcium helps in relieving rectal bleeding associated with internal hemorrhoids.
One food that starts with P, yet is harmful for hemroids is peppers. The best way to prevent hemroids is proper intake of fruits and vegetables.
Preventing Hemorrhoids :- Get the essential knowledge to the prevention and healing of hemorrhoids at Hemroidshemorrhoids.net. Simple changes to your diet can help bring relief from hemorrhoids as well as help to prevent new hemorrhoids from developing.
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