Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thrombosed Hemorrhoids Treatment - Follow These Simple Steps in Order to Find Fast Relief

Quick thrombosed hemorrhoids treatment can save you from awful pain and a life time phobia of sitting down. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are the blog vessels which have developed a clot (also called as thrombus) inside the veins near or within the anus.

Sometimes they are external and you can see the veins completely or partially swollen as they tend to come out of the rectum. Most of the times before a thrombosed hemorrhoids treatment, when touched it will feel very soft but will pain on touching, and the clot also gets hard and feels like a dried pea.

The skin and the area may bulge, bruise, pain and cause irritation until it is treated and cured. It sometimes feels like extra flesh and is called the skin tag. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are comparatively rare and if you don't have any kind of home remedy you should rush for the doctor. They don't bleed generally, but if they do, it may be something serious.

Most of the thrombosed hemorrhoids treatment is done at home. The remedy is easy and there are no medical complications involved. It may include warm sitz bath or some changes in diet and some herbal remedies. If you are going for topical anesthetics, be sure that you consult the doctor. Topical anesthetics don't solve the problem most of the time.

Talking about diet, studies have proved that you should include more high-fiber foods in it. Diets which are low in fiber tend to create hard stools causing more problems. Existing hemorrhoids may develop to thrombosed hemorrhoids. This can also stop proper circulation. So don't forget to take more high-fiber foods for proper circulation.

Hemorrhoids should not be taken lightly. Spending a long time in the toilet can enlarge your hemorrhoids. There are some cases where the entire anal structure of people has become weak and damaged. Avoid constipation and straining, it will surprisingly work like charm in curing your hemorrhoids.

Click Here! to find out how I cured my thrombosed hemorrhoids within 2 days and visit my blog for more information:

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