At some point in our lives we will all probably suffer from hemorrhoids, or 'piles' as it is also commonly known, so finding good, fast and effective hemorrhoids cures is important. If you read on, I am going to explain how you can drastically cure them with some simple home remedies.
Hemorrhoids occur when the veins in the rectum or anus become swollen, which can then lead to discomfort and bleeding. This can occur in both women and men for a number of reasons, notably poor diet, obesity, lack of fluids, diarrhea, pregnancy, being seated all day or passed on through family genes. The cause could be one or more of these at any one time, so whichever of the hemorrhoids cures you choose to try, one may be good for one person but unsuccessful for another.
Over the counter hemorrhoids cures from your pharmacist can alleviate the symptoms, but these can have damaging side effects on other parts of your body. For a successful hemorrhoids treatment you need to find something which can be used over an indefinite period of time but being kind to your body at the same time.
The key to success is to try each one and see which works best for you.
One of the more popular hemorrhoids cures is the use of White Oak Bark, which is also great for the treatment of varicose veins. It must be noted that hemorrhoids are closely linked to varicose veins and my father, who underwent hemorrhoids surgery, commented on how his varicose veins improved greatly following the operation.
By following some simple instructions, White Oak Bark is easily prepared and can be applied internally and externally.
One word of warning: White Oak Bark shouldn't be taken internally if you are pregnant because it can interfere with your iron and minerals absorption. Also, if you are allergic to aspirin, you should also avoid drinking it.
Hemorrhoids can affect most pregnant women, so if you are pregnant, you should make sure you keep your bowl movements regular. Don't hold it in unnecessarily because this can then lead to constipation which is one of the major factors in causing hemorrhoids. Drinking a cup of prune juice daily will help to keep you regular.
A thrombosed external hemorrhoid can quite often be seen externally. Thrombosed hemorrhoids occur due to a vein under the skin of the rectum or anus becoming clogged or blocked. The blood then begins to harden inside the hemorrhoid giving it the texture of a small raisin.
One way to treat this is to make sure you have a high-fiber diet to alleviate hard stools. It should be noted that health guidelines recommend that each adult should consume an average of 18g of dietary fiber a day, so this is also something to consider with your long-term diet if you want to keep healthy.
High fiber diets include whole-wheat pasta and rice, whole meal bread, wholegrain breakfast cereals, beans and lentils, and fruit and vegetables. These will all be beneficial for your hemorrhoids treatment. One thing to bare in mind is spicy food: this won't cause hemorrhoids but it can aggravate them.
It is good to remember that hemorrhoids surgery is only necessary if the pain becomes too much or the symptoms persist for too long. It may involve removing the blood clot from a thrombosed external hemorrhoid. For most people, though, using one of these or other hemorrhoids cures can alleviate the symptoms in only a matter of days and hemorrhoids surgery would be only considered as a final option.
Before going to the pharmacist take your time to consider some of the natural hemorrhoids cures above or one of the many others that are available to choose from - you'll be surprised that you didn't do it earlier.
Did you find those tips on the treatment of hemorrhoids useful? You can learn a lot more about how these natural cures can help with your hemorrhoids treatment at my site, Hemorrhoids Cures.
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