Sunday, November 14, 2010

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hemorrhoids Remedies - Thousands Have Used This to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids in As Little As Two Days!

Do you have bloody stools? Found blood on the toilet paper? Maybe it is extremely itchy in your anus area? Chances are you have hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can seriously interfere with daily lifestyles and activities. During inflammation, hemorrhoids can bleed, itch, and be painful. Serious cases can disable people from performing simple tasks like walking and sitting. Treatments vary from over the counter ointments and creams, prescribed medication, surgery, and home remedies. This article will discuss how to get rid of hemorrhoids from home in as little as two days.

Hemorrhoids or Piles actually refer to a painful condition resulting from swollen and inflamed veins around the anus or lower rectum. Numerous factors contribute to the cause of hemorrhoids, such as chronic diarrhea or constipation, pregnancy, aging, or straining during a bowel movement. Most people who suffer from mild hemorrhoids are not aware that they have hemorrhoids. It is best to catch the hemorrhoid at an early phase or just prevent it overall.

Over the counter ointments can give temporary relief, while surgery can be scary and costly. Thousands of people have tried hemorrhoid miracle or H miracle with success stories to prove. The guide teaches you how to make a home remedy from items that may already be in your pantry or can be easily picked up from the grocery store. The guide includes facts about hemorrhoids and also discusses important information on how to prevent hemorrhoids from coming back. One of the biggest issues sufferers have is that even after healing with ointments, creams, and even surgery, their problems come back over and over again.

This guide teaches you to deal with the root of the hemorrhoids. No more ointments or creams needed. No embarrassment of picking up hemorrhoid creams, suppositories, and medication at the store or pharmacy. Since you can do this all in the comfort of your own home, this can be your secret that nobody will ever have to know about. This is a great solution for all stages of hemorrhoid sufferers even the ones who may need surgery.

If you are serious about learning how to effectively get rid of hemorrhoids [], you can start by getting your free report. Click Here []!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cure Hemorrhoids at Home

You are not alone in your search for a home based hemorrhoid cure. Thousands of people search for effective home based hemorrhoid cures every single day.

This article will talk more about some of the most effective home based hemorrhoid cures and try to give you suggestions about which one will be most effective for you. Everyone has different needs, and the degree of severity of hemorrhoids differs from person to person, therefore understanding the different ways to cure hemorrhoid is very important to your success.

Venapro: The most effective home hemorrhoids cure

The most effective natural homeopathic hemorrhoid cure available today is Venapro. It has proven itself successful thousands of times over in cases ranging from mild through to severe. Children right through to old aged sufferers have used Venapro to get rid of hemorrhoids. As Venapro is made entirely using natural ingredients, no harmful side effects will be found. This sets it apart from so many chemically based creams that are constantly dogged with a range of negative side effects. Bleeding, itching and irritation will be reduced within 48 hours of starting to use the medication and blood circulation will also return to a healthy state soon after. All this combined lays a great foundation for hemorrhoids to be cured successfully.

The other home based hemorrhoid cure that has been effective with thousands of patients is H Miracle. Created by an ex sufferer of hemorrhoids, H Miracle is a system that shows you amazing ways to reduce pain and treat hemorrhoids using only natural products. This is good for 2 reasons, firstly, like Venapro, no harmful side effects will be encountered, and secondly it will be a lot cheaper than chemical alternatives. On the H Miracle website, they claim to be able to cure hemorrhoids in as little as 48 hours. Obviously this is dependent on the severity of your hemorrhoids but it is a staggering feat regardless of how mild the case may be. These claims are backed up by testimonials and the product has a 90 day money back guarantee.

To help accelerate the 2 products mentioned above you will need to stay hydrated by drinking a minimum of 2 liters of water per day. Also, its important that you eat foods which are high in fiber so that your body can product softer stools. Fruits and veges are great, as well as cereals and beans.

Constipation is a major hindrance to hemorrhoid sufferers and it can severely aggravate existing hemorrhoids and bring about relapses of hemorrhoids. Along with adding more fiber to your diet, you can reduce the chance of constipation by maintaining a healthy metabolism. Try to include at least 15 minutes walking as exercise every day to keep your metabolism in good shape.

Home hemorrhoid cures are extremely effective in fighting all forms of hemorrhoids. Venapro and H Miracle both offer fantastic solutions which can be used at home to quickly and permanently cure hemorrhoids. H Miracle is more of a do it yourself version of Venapro, therefore it is much cheaper but just as effective. Whichever you choose you will not be disappointed. Use the links highlighted below to read comprehensive reviews of both Venapro and H Miracle.

Discover the many reasons that Venapro and H Miracle are considered the best 2 natural home hemorrhoid cures available today.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hemorrhoid Treatment - Hemorrhoids and the Mistakes That Can Make Them Turn From Bad to Worse

As soon as people realize that they have hemorrhoids, they must check what they eat immediately. They must lay off processed foods as that will only make their digestion go berserk and create no roughage which means hardened stool. This in turn will put a further pressure on their hemorrhoids. So, lay off fat, sugar and terribly salty and spicy food. Opt for food that is right off nature's bounty such as fruits and vegetables.

The next thing that you need to do is get off your butt, literally. Get yourself active and moving and you will be able to avoid constipation. Do not sit at a stretch for more than an hour. Get yourself out for a walk as that will get the blood flowing and hence beat hemorrhoids.

Finally, do not reach out for over the counter medication and creams. They are made of harmful chemicals that can further aggravate the concerns that are linked with hemorrhoids rather than providing the promised relief. Even the so called all fiber supplements that you will find all over the place are laden with synthetic and non-natural stuff that not only aren't able to address the problem on hand but go ahead to create further problems in other parts of the body too.

Also, keep in mind that these off the counter medication never have any system to address the problem of hemorrhoids from the root. Hence, even if they do provide you relief it is short term and short lived. The problems will rear their ugly head soon enough and this time round the attack of hemorrhoids will be far stronger and potent.

Therefore, try and avoid these errors and you will not be further aggravating your concern of hemorrhoids. Ensure that you stick to a more traditional form of lifestyle with a regulated diet and more exercise.

If you notice there are certain things that predispose people towards hemorrhoids which is obesity, leading a sedentary lifestyle with not much exercise and walking around, a diet that is absolutely low in fiber and a weak muscle tone in the rectal region. Also, if your diet is not a balanced one, then the vitamin and mineral deficiency will also result in the formation of hemorrhoids. Make certain that you have regular bowel movements or else it will lead to constipation. This in turn will make the hemorrhoids all the more prominent and difficult.


Conventional hemorrhoid treatments provide temporary relief from symptoms but do not address the underlying cause. Discover natural hemorrhoids home remedies.

For Natural Hemorrhoid Remedies Click Here Now!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fast Acting Hemorrhoids Cures

At some point in our lives we will all probably suffer from hemorrhoids, or 'piles' as it is also commonly known, so finding good, fast and effective hemorrhoids cures is important. If you read on, I am going to explain how you can drastically cure them with some simple home remedies.

Hemorrhoids occur when the veins in the rectum or anus become swollen, which can then lead to discomfort and bleeding. This can occur in both women and men for a number of reasons, notably poor diet, obesity, lack of fluids, diarrhea, pregnancy, being seated all day or passed on through family genes. The cause could be one or more of these at any one time, so whichever of the hemorrhoids cures you choose to try, one may be good for one person but unsuccessful for another.

Over the counter hemorrhoids cures from your pharmacist can alleviate the symptoms, but these can have damaging side effects on other parts of your body. For a successful hemorrhoids treatment you need to find something which can be used over an indefinite period of time but being kind to your body at the same time.

The key to success is to try each one and see which works best for you.

One of the more popular hemorrhoids cures is the use of White Oak Bark, which is also great for the treatment of varicose veins. It must be noted that hemorrhoids are closely linked to varicose veins and my father, who underwent hemorrhoids surgery, commented on how his varicose veins improved greatly following the operation.

By following some simple instructions, White Oak Bark is easily prepared and can be applied internally and externally.

One word of warning: White Oak Bark shouldn't be taken internally if you are pregnant because it can interfere with your iron and minerals absorption. Also, if you are allergic to aspirin, you should also avoid drinking it.

Hemorrhoids can affect most pregnant women, so if you are pregnant, you should make sure you keep your bowl movements regular. Don't hold it in unnecessarily because this can then lead to constipation which is one of the major factors in causing hemorrhoids. Drinking a cup of prune juice daily will help to keep you regular.

A thrombosed external hemorrhoid can quite often be seen externally. Thrombosed hemorrhoids occur due to a vein under the skin of the rectum or anus becoming clogged or blocked. The blood then begins to harden inside the hemorrhoid giving it the texture of a small raisin.

One way to treat this is to make sure you have a high-fiber diet to alleviate hard stools. It should be noted that health guidelines recommend that each adult should consume an average of 18g of dietary fiber a day, so this is also something to consider with your long-term diet if you want to keep healthy.

High fiber diets include whole-wheat pasta and rice, whole meal bread, wholegrain breakfast cereals, beans and lentils, and fruit and vegetables. These will all be beneficial for your hemorrhoids treatment. One thing to bare in mind is spicy food: this won't cause hemorrhoids but it can aggravate them.

It is good to remember that hemorrhoids surgery is only necessary if the pain becomes too much or the symptoms persist for too long. It may involve removing the blood clot from a thrombosed external hemorrhoid. For most people, though, using one of these or other hemorrhoids cures can alleviate the symptoms in only a matter of days and hemorrhoids surgery would be only considered as a final option.

Before going to the pharmacist take your time to consider some of the natural hemorrhoids cures above or one of the many others that are available to choose from - you'll be surprised that you didn't do it earlier.

Did you find those tips on the treatment of hemorrhoids useful? You can learn a lot more about how these natural cures can help with your hemorrhoids treatment at my site, Hemorrhoids Cures.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Best Hemorrhoid Treatment - How to Cure Piles Fast And Naturally!

I am quite sure you are searching for the best hemorrhoid treatment but let's first take a look at what piles is all about. The problem of piles known as hemorrhoids is rising recently as a result of an improper way of life. Hemorrhoid is an illness mostly caused as a result of an improper care of hygiene in someone's life. The veins linking the anus with the rectum form an inflamed cushion which pains and is reddish in color. It is constantly followed by soreness and itching of the anal area and it may bleed at times depending on the harshness of the illness. A lot of people are suffering from it because they don't understand how it occurs and the hemorrhoids remedies to fight it.

Many victims don't even know how it starts so you should have the knowledge before searching for the best hemorrhoid treatment. Some factors responsible for this sickness are excessive smoking, not taking proper rest, dietary habits leading to hard stool, consumption of alcohol, anxiety, also caused in children suffering from constipation since they are delicate, may occur to women suffering from pre menstrual syndrome etc. To really treat hemorrhoid, hemorrhoid home treatment is the best way to go these days. Hard stool causes the linings of the anus to rupture forming anal fissures which are a precursor to piles. Consumption of alcohol and too much of smoking increases the blood pressure which causes the disorder to swell, pain and itch making them from bad to worse. On the other hand, the disorder can as well be inherited if found present in the genes.

Best hemorrhoid treatment:

There are mainly two types of hemorrhoids namely; external hemorrhoids and the internal. External ones are much easier to detect because they cause pain and a quick medical attention could be given. Internal hemorrhoids don't cause pain at the start as pain receptors are not present inside the anal opening. However, the moment they become prolapsed or strangulated they begin causing pain. We are going to make use of hemorrhoid home remedy to get rid of it.

Home remedies for internal hemorrhoids involve smoothening the flow of stool and strengthening of the walls of the anus and the rectum. There are several hemorrhoid home treatment for internal piles suggested by physicians. The victims should add more of fibers in his/her diet by consuming whole cereals, fruits, grains and vegetables thus avoiding junk and too spicy food. The person should increase the amount of water intake to five or seven liters on a daily basis. Since water helps to flush away the unwanted products in the body, it is among the best treatment for hemorrhoids.

Preferably, someone should take more of fruit juices and shakes than smoking or hard alcohol. Increasing on Fiber diet and water intake ensures smooth defecation thereby preventing additional formation of piles and don't cause a friction with the existing ones as well. Needless to say a person should bathe on a regular basis and keep the anal area neat and hygienic.

Other home hemorrhoids remedies are also available which can be implemented at home. One of them is known as "H miracle" which teaches various ergonomic position of sitting, sleeping, walking and standing. Some ointments are as well available made up of medicinal herbs and plants particularly meant for treatment of piles which need to be applied on a daily basis. Aloe Vera cream and juice can be considered to be the best hemorrhoid treatment for internal type of piles if consumed 3 times daily.

Are you tired of all the creams, pills, suppositories, and ointments that NEVER fix the true root issue? Then, don't spend another penny on those expensive ions until you've read everything I'm about to reveal at Best Hemorrhoid Treatment.

Go to and find out how to get rid of hemorrhoids in 48 Hours!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Cure For Hemorrhoids

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, you already know what it's like. The pain, the burning, the itching, the blood - all things that someone with hemorrhoids has to deal with on a daily basis. The pain alone can be the worst, especially when you are trying to treat your hemorrhoids and absolutely nothing does the trick.

In order to treat hemorrhoids effectively, you need to understand how they happen. They can be caused by a number of things, such as frequent constipation, bad diet, pregnancy, sitting for long periods of time, etc. In other words, hemorrhoids are fairly common, but can be very tough to get rid of at the same time.

Most people with hemorrhoids usually brush it off without worry, and use over the counter treatments that never work, such as Preparation H cream. This only helps relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids temporarily (the painful burning and itching), rather than eliminating the hemorrhoids altogether. Nothing greater than wasting money on something that provides temporary relief only.

You see, while over the counter medications do provide some relief, one of the key elements in curing hemorrhoids is to have a better diet. Monitor your food intake, as well as your water intake. Make necessary adjustments that need to be made.

Half of the food that is out there today is pure junk, and our bodies take a toll from it. You can start eliminating your hemorrhoids from eliminating your bad eating habits. Stop eating fast food and start eating fresh food. Stick to a diet that is high in fiber, which helps the gastrointestinal tract, which helps get rid of your hemorrhoids.

That's only the beginning. If you would like to learn how you can get rid of your hemorrhoids quickly and easily (and without harsh treatments or medications), visit Cure for Hemorrhoids now!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Treatment of Hemorrhoids - Easy Tips to Fast Relief Now

If you are reading this, you likely have had to deal with hemorrhoids. While not a very public subject, through a person's lifetime, about 50 percent of us will have to deal with them. Suffering from hemorrhoids is not only painful and uncomfortable, it also can be embarrassing. Here are some tips in the treatment of hemorrhoids you can follow that will possibly shorten the time you are in pain, and also help prevent future occurrences.

Make fiber a regular part of your daily meals

Fiber helps to loosen the stool and lessen the chances of constipation. This will allow less strain and pressure during bowel movements. Foods that are good include whole grain breads and cereals, beans, fresh or lightly cooked fruits and vegetables, brown rice and other grains, nuts and seeds.

Cut back on low-fiber foods, and "convenience" foods

Foods that are low in fiber and convenience foods (refined and processed foods) can allow the stool to remain hard and dry, thus creating strain during bowel movements. Included are cheeses, meat, chips, pizza, ice cream, cake, pies and other pastries, even frozen dinners.

Drink more fluids

Getting more fluids through the body will also help to loosen the stool.

Regular exercise

By getting into a regular exercise routine, something as simple as walking even, can help reduce the occurrences of hemorrhoids. As you exercise, you increase blood circulation throughout the body, including the anus, and distributes the needed nutrients to strengthen veins. However, avoid exercise that might cause strain to the lower back and central body area such as weight lifting.

Avoid strain during bowel movements

In other words, do not force it out. This could cause the hemorrhoids to swell and extend the length of time you suffer. When you feel the need to go, do not hold off too long as this cause also lead to complications.

Laxatives are not recommended

Except for maybe Metamucil or Fiberall, it is best to stay away from laxatives. Since a laxative will lead to diarrhea, this could also extend the treatment of hemorrhoids.

It all really comes down to lessened strain. These tips will help you with just that, and ease your mind, as well as certain bodily functions.

Personally, I have had to deal with hemorrhoids - they are not fun at all. Talking about the "H" word to friends and colleagues usually is not a simple matter - embarrassment causes us to search on our own for the cure. If you are like me, you probably have looked for a magical cure for hemorrhoids. I do not think that there is any such thing, but I did find something that comes very close. If you are ready to a treatment of hemorrhoids that works quickly and naturally, I recommend you visit my site for more information: Hemorrhoid Treatment

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hemorrhoids (Piles) Tamed

Hemorrhoids (piles) can be caused by constipation and straining for a bowel movement, and are common in pregnancy. Jobs which involve sitting down for long periods of time, long distance driving, office work etc can exacerbate the condition. Over the counter medicines and creams can offer some relief and a cure in mild cases. Severe cases may need to be treated by surgery.

Hemorrhoids affects millions of people worldwide. Even with all the advancement in medicine, many people find it difficult to find a treatment that is effective and permanent. This is mainly due to the fact that most people do not really know how they contracted hemorrhoids in the first place.

In order to find a proper effective hemorrhoids cure that will provide a permanent solution, the first step to take is to know the causes of hemorrhoids and what had caused yours. Knowing this, you will not only help your body speed up the healing process but also prevent further recurrence in the future.

Most mild flare-ups of piles can be treated effectively with lifestyle changes and over the counter haemorrhoid preparations. The surest way to avoid piles is to have a daily easy to pass bowel movement. And the best way to do that is to have a diet rich in fiber. That means a lot of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Avoid foods such as white breads with processed flour that are very low in fiber. The other key to avoiding piles with good regular bowel movements is to drink lots of water. Many people enjoy reading the paper while sitting on the toilet, this is not a recommended practice if you want to avoid piles.

If after adding more fiber to your diet you still are having trouble with hard stools you may want to consider a fiber supplement. If you have done your best to avoid piles and regardless they have reared their head so to speak, there are several home remedies that should help. There are any number of over the counter creams and ointments that can relieve the symptoms of piles. These products use a variety of anesthetics and other ingredients designed to reduce inflammation and ease pain and itch.

Sclerotherapy - A treatment commonly used to reduced spider veins, it is also effective in treating some types of piles. A solution is injected into the pile, which cause it to die. In advanced cases of recurrent piles where none of the other treatments have proven effective they can be surgically removed. A haemorrhoidectomy can be performed using traditional surgical technique, or more recently laser surgery has been used to remove hemorrhoids.

If you do have any of the symptoms or ailments mentioned in this article make sure you consult you doctor he or she is likely to know the best treatment for you.

To recap a healthy lifestyle including regular exercise,think about your diet fruit, fiber and no overdoing the alcohol are the important things and will help stop or ease hemorrhoids (piles).

Robert is webmaster at

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Permanent Hemorrhoid Pain Relief

It may be more difficult for some cases than others, but permanent hemorrhoid pain relief can be a reality for you. Your first step will be to make sure that you cure your current case of hemorrhoids. After this is done, you will need to continue to take preventive measures to make it far less likely that hemorrhoids will come back in the future.

Curing your current problem can be achieved in different ways or a combination of ways. One thing you will want to do is make sure that your bowel movements are easier to pass. Constipation or harder stools will irritate your hemorrhoid problem and cause it to recur. Temporary relief can be obtained with the help of a stool softener such as Colace or a generic brand, but there are healthier, natural alternatives available. Stool softeners should not be used with regularity, meaning that increasing the fiber content of your diet would be a better path to pursue. Internal hemorrhoids may need to be treated with a suppository, but generally a topical application of the natural astringent Witch Hazel will help a great deal with the swelling and pain.

Once your current problem is clear you'll want to continue to eat a high fiber diet. This will ensure your overall digestive health throughout your life and keep hemorrhoids away. Other dietary changes include keeping up your water intake (always try to drink 8 glasses per day) and avoiding too many processed foods.

Sometimes hemorrhoids are caused by prolonged sitting, in this case it will help you to add in some moderate exercise. This may mean adding in a 30 minute walk to your daily routine at least 3 times per week. At the very least you'll want to make sure that you do not remain in a sitting position for more than one hour at a time. Get up to stretch and get the blood circulating and this could help a great deal with your hemorrhoids.

Need to cure your hemorrhoid problem in 24-48 hours? Try a natural hemorrhoid cure

Monday, November 1, 2010

What is Hemroids or Hemorrhoids?

We can start by distinguishing between hemorrhoids the condition, and hemroids as a disease. As a condition, hemorrhoids refer to small swellings that develop in the anus and lower part of the rectum as a result of blood clogging the veins within the rectum.

Some of these swellings can develop just outside the opening to the anus and can easily be seen upon examination of that area. Otherwise, the main area of attack by hemorrhoids is usually inside the anus or rectum and they only become visible externally at a later stage in their development cycle. Hemroids the disease is therefore characterized by the presence of swellings (the actual hemorrhoids) and other symptoms in the anal area - both inside and outside.

What are the other symptoms of hemorrhoids?

o Presence of blood in the stool.

o Feeling of obstruction caused by swollen veins in the anus.

o Protruding lumps hanging from the anus.

o Itching and inflammation around the anus.

What causes hemorrhoids to develop?

The occurrence of hemorrhoids is very much a result of poor eating habits and diet. We can therefore almost say that hemorrhoids is a disease of lifestyle, because eating habits, etc, are determined by an individual's lifestyle.

A poor diet, especially that lacking in fiber, green vegetables, fruits and enough water and juices often leads to constipation - the reduction in volume and hardening of stool. Constipation, especially in its chronic stages, is probably the single most prevalent cause of hemorrhoids. Small, hard stools are difficult to excrete and a lot of pressure is applied in the process. This strain and the scarring that the hard, dry stools cause on the walls of the anus lay the groundwork for hemorrhoids to eventually take over. It is therefore important that we balance our diets properly and consume enough fiber-rich foods such as cereals, beans, peas, green vegetables and fruits, and of course take in enough fluids. These will ensure that sufficient volumes of stool are produced to cater for regular and easy bowel movement.

The nature of modern life is another factor that has fueled the increase in the number of people suffering from constipation and consequently hemroids. The busy schedules and haste that characterize the lives of today's working class have left no time for good meals, physical exercises and relaxation. Little wonder then that our digestive systems have become jammed with junk foods and other unhealthy products and the end result is constipation and hemorrhoids.

Other causes of hemorrhoids

o Obesity or overweight: Hemroids is common in over-weight people or obesity patients because these people have to put more pressure on pelvic veins while passing stool.

o Lack of physical exercise and body movement: Prolonged sitting in one place causes heat to build up in the anal area, and this can lead to swelling of the veins which we know is one of the contributing factors to hemorrhoids development.

o Hard labor and lifting heavy loads: This puts pressure on veins and tissues. This sudden extra pressure causes some burning sensation during bowel movement and results into hemroids.

o Pregnancy: Chances of getting hemorrhoids are greater during pregnancy and delivery as extra pressure is exerted to push the baby out of the womb and this pressure tampers with the bowel tissues.

Author is a health counsellor & researchers. is offering information on different aspects of hemroids such as internal hemroids, external hemroids and bleeding hemroids. For more information visit and for its treatments