Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Causes Hemorrhoids?

There are many factors that can contribute to the formation of hemorrhoids. Some are easily controlled, but others are unfortunately beyond our control. One of the largest contributors to the formation of hemorrhoids is simply poor diet. Many people today have diets that are heavy on junk food, processed foods and sugar. By moving to a better diet rich in high fiber content foods including whole grains and natural fruits and vegetables, you may be able to prevent future hemorrhoids. By improving our diets, we decrease straining during bowel movements which is the main cause of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are just a weakness in the veins in the anal area. Straining or other stresses causes the veins to bulge which is exactly what a hemorrhoid is - a strained vein. In some instances, preventing hemorrhoids may simply not be possible. For example, some people may have a genetic predisposition to week veins, or the veins may weaken with age. In addition, pregnancy is a common cause of hemorrhoids. Pregnant women sometimes have a problem with constipation, a big cause of hemorrhoids. In addition, carrying a child obviously puts a strain on the whole body and then pushing the child through the birth canal then can cause stress to the anal area. In all three of these examples, preventing or avoiding hemorrhoids may be unfortunately too difficult to overcome. Certainly, adding fiber to your diet is still the best and easiest step to take and it can't hurt any.

If you find that you're not able to eliminate hemorrhoids there are many hemorrhoid treatment options available. Most drug stores carry simple over the counter medications to eliminate swelling and itching plus there are some natural homeopathic options available such as applying aloe vera to the affected area. Only in the worst cases is surgery required. You can either help reduce flare ups with the addition of fiber or control symptoms with medications, so surgery is not something that most people need to consider.

Before you just assume you have a hemroid, and begin treating them with over the counter medications, you should always have a complete medical exam. This is done to insure that you don't have any medical condition that may be potentially more dangerous but has symptoms similar to hemorrhoids. If you would like more information about controlling and treating hemorrhoids, please visit my website: Hemroid Treatment

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