Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Treatment Options For Hemorrhoid Sufferers

Often discomfort while sitting or blood in the stool can be attributed to hemorrhoids. Mild hemorrhoids will typically respond to at home treatment, while more severe cases may require surgical intervention. There are a number of treatment options that hemorrhoid sufferers may consider. Always consult a doctor to discuss which treatment option is right for you, as the best course of action depends on the amount of pain or bleeding present and how the hemorrhoid presents. If you have a family history of bowel or colon problems, common hemorrhoid symptoms may actually be indicative of a more serious problem.

A hemorrhoid is a swollen vein in the rectum. External hemorrhoids can often be seen while internal hemorrhoids may be diagnosed by bleeding when defecating. The two most common indicators of the presence of hemorrhoids are pain and bleeding during bowel movements, but these symptoms are common in other types of bowel disease as well. If pain or bleeding occurs but there is no visible hemorrhoid, speak with a doctor.

Hemorrhoids are common ailments that can be brought on by a number of factors. They are most common in those over the age of 50. Pregnant women will often develop them as well as those who suffer from constipation. Hemorrhoids can be prevented with a fiber rich diet that will encourage regularity and ease of bowel movements. Stool softeners and fiber supplements can be purchased over the counter, which can also reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids.

Home treatment options are usually the best place to start, as they are non-invasive and readily available. Though external hemorrhoids are often the most painful, they may require nothing more than a gentle push back into the body for relief. The decreased pressure on the swollen area will provide immediate pain relief and lessen irritation. If a hemorrhoid is visible but not bleeding, this may be all that is necessary.

Hemorrhoid creams are common, and these over the counter treatments are often quite effective. They are applied topically and will provide an immediate reduction in itching and pain. Note that all creams should be applied to a clean area, so incorporate their application into an after shower routine. Most drugstores offer a vast selection, so solicit the advice of your doctor in selecting the one that is right for you. While many only promise symptom relief, some may encourage the development of scar tissue, which will reduce the chance of hemorrhoids in the future.

Surgical and fixative procedures are available for the most serious hemorrhoid cases. A fixative procedure usually consists of cutting of the blood supply to a hemorrhoid with a restrictive rubber band. Less blood means less swelling and pressure, so the reduction in pain will be quick. This is an outpatient procedure, and is done to avoid surgery. Chronically bleeding hemorrhoids may require invasive surgery. The area will be frozen or removed with a scalpel. This is a serious surgery, and will require bed rest for recovery.

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