Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hemorrhoid Surgery Options

There are two types of hemorrhoids, those which remain in the anal cavity and those that protrude outside the anal cavity. In most cases of internal hemorrhoids, the patient may actually be unaware that they have hemorrhoids as they experience no pain or discomfort because this area has no pain sensors. Typically the only indication of an internal hemorrhoid may be bleeding when having a bowel movement. However, untreated internal hemorrhoids may lead to a more serious condition such as prolapsed hemorrhoids or a strangulated hemorrhoid. A prolapsed hemorrhoid is simply when the internal hemorrhoid becomes so expanded that it pushes out of the anal cavity and a strangulated hemorrhoid is when a prolapsed hemorrhoid becomes trapped outside the anal cavity due to a muscle spasm and then the blood supply to the hemorrhoid gets cut off.

External hemorrhoids typically cause people the most discomfort just by the very fact that they are exposed to more daily stresses, this type of condition causes pain, swelling and inching. In most instances, external hemorrhoids are much more readily recognizable due to the symptoms presented.

In most cases, hemorrhoids are manageable with some simple lifestyle changes and over the counter medications but in more severe cases, surgery may be required.

These are some of the more common surgical treatments for chronic or severe hemorrhoids:

Rubber Band Ligation - A small rubber band is wrapped tight around the hemorrhoid so that the blood supply is cut off and then the hemorrhoid is just naturally expelled from the body.

Hemorrhoidectomy - This is exactly what it sounds like, a surgery to remove the hemorrhoid. This is only used in the worst cases because the recovery is painful and it may lead to incontinence.

Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy- This procedure is typically used on prolapsed hemorrhoids and not external hemorrhoids. It is similar to the rubber band ligation in that it works to disrupt the blood flow to the hemorrhoid so that it can be easily removed.

Sclerotherapy - An injectable irritant (sclerosant) is inserted into the hemorrhoid itself and this causes the veins to harden and then the hemorrhoid shrivels up.

Doppler Guided Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation - In this procedure, an ultrasound (Doppler) devise is used to find hemorrhoidal arteries which are then cut off with a simple stitch. This procedure is very simple and easy, has a very high success rate, less pain than surgery and very few complications.

Procedure for Prolapse and Hemorrhoids (PPH) - A stapler is used to move the anal canal tissue in such a way that blood flow is cut off to the hemorrhoid and it shrinks, this usually takes four to eight weeks. This is also less painful than a hemorrhoidectomy because it is done in the area with no pain sensors, it also has a faster recovery time and less complications.

These are come of the more common surgical hemroid treatment options. There are other options available that your doctor may recommend and some other options that have fallen out of favor with the advent of the more effective treatments currently available. Only in the most severe cases is it necessary to have surgery and with any luck you will be able to control you hemorrhoids without surgery.

Please visit my website for more information:

What Causes Hemorrhoids?

There are many factors that can contribute to the formation of hemorrhoids. Some are easily controlled, but others are unfortunately beyond our control. One of the largest contributors to the formation of hemorrhoids is simply poor diet. Many people today have diets that are heavy on junk food, processed foods and sugar. By moving to a better diet rich in high fiber content foods including whole grains and natural fruits and vegetables, you may be able to prevent future hemorrhoids. By improving our diets, we decrease straining during bowel movements which is the main cause of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are just a weakness in the veins in the anal area. Straining or other stresses causes the veins to bulge which is exactly what a hemorrhoid is - a strained vein. In some instances, preventing hemorrhoids may simply not be possible. For example, some people may have a genetic predisposition to week veins, or the veins may weaken with age. In addition, pregnancy is a common cause of hemorrhoids. Pregnant women sometimes have a problem with constipation, a big cause of hemorrhoids. In addition, carrying a child obviously puts a strain on the whole body and then pushing the child through the birth canal then can cause stress to the anal area. In all three of these examples, preventing or avoiding hemorrhoids may be unfortunately too difficult to overcome. Certainly, adding fiber to your diet is still the best and easiest step to take and it can't hurt any.

If you find that you're not able to eliminate hemorrhoids there are many hemorrhoid treatment options available. Most drug stores carry simple over the counter medications to eliminate swelling and itching plus there are some natural homeopathic options available such as applying aloe vera to the affected area. Only in the worst cases is surgery required. You can either help reduce flare ups with the addition of fiber or control symptoms with medications, so surgery is not something that most people need to consider.

Before you just assume you have a hemroid, and begin treating them with over the counter medications, you should always have a complete medical exam. This is done to insure that you don't have any medical condition that may be potentially more dangerous but has symptoms similar to hemorrhoids. If you would like more information about controlling and treating hemorrhoids, please visit my website: Hemroid Treatment

Hemorrhoid Home Remedies

Anyone who's ever suffered from hemorrhoids knows the havoc they can wreak on everyday life. Fortunately, studies show that the vast majority of hemorrhoids are best treated at home. Hemroid surgery is, at best, a poor second place to lifestyle changes and home remedies. While most people find out about the lifestyle changes necessary for long-term hemorrhoid elimination from their doctor, the vast arsenal of symptom relief available at home usually remains a mystery. What you find after a little investigation is an answer to any symptom you may be suffering from.

For immediate relief, your best bet is to look to those home remedies you've probably already got around the house. A first course of over-the-counter ibuprofen, taken according to package directions, is often quite beneficial. Ibuprofen addresses the pain of hemorrhoids in two ways, first by interfering with the nerve signals and second by reducing inflammation. Considering that most painful hemorrhoids are quite inflamed, this is all to the good and makes ibuprofen a better choice than acetaminophen, which doesn't address inflammation at all. However, either will work in a pinch. Most people also have hot water and ice in their homes, both of which offer immediate relief. Draw a sitz-bath of water as hot as you can stand and sit in it for up to twenty minutes. Follow this up with an icepack wrapped in a towel for five minutes. Both can be used alone if necessary, but the alternation of heat and cold really gets the circulation going.

Other home remedies work on specific symptoms and conditions. For external hemorrhoids, some people find that swabbing the hemorrhoid with apple cider vinegar on a sterile cotton swab brings a lot of relief. Putting oatmeal into a sitz-bath can help with irritated or bleeding external hemorrhoids. Getting a small footstool to use while sitting on the toilet helps both internal and external hemorrhoids. Of course, limiting your time sitting on the toilet to five minutes at a time is a good idea as well, since that area has no support and is entirely subject to the downward pull of gravity for the duration of your toileting. For regular sitting, you may find that a rolled up towel shaped into a doughnut helps take the pressure off of inflamed areas. Special doughnut shaped pillows are often available at pharmacies if you find them particularly useful.

For longer term home aids, you may want to look into sleeping with your legs elevated. Even slight elevation will increase the blood flow from the veins in your lower half back up to your heart, which lowers vein pressure and is all to the good where your hemorrhoids are concerned. Also, when picking out foods for your diet, be sure to include those fruits and vegetables that are brightly colored. Most contain bioflavonoids, which are nutrients that seem to help hemorrhoids by improving the circulation system overall.

While nothing will replace a high-fiber diet and increased physical activity for long-term hemorrhoid healing and avoidance, there are a lot of things you can do to get the hemorrhoids under control and even speed up their disappearance. All it takes is a bit of investigation around your house.

To find out more about hemroid home remedies check out our hemroids articles and hemorrhoid treatments.

Copyright 2010. Written by Donald Urquhart. All universal rights reserved.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hemorrhoids (Hemroids) Information

Hemorrhoids is rapidly becoming one of the most rampant diseases in the world today. Hemorrhoids does not discriminate between the young and the old, or male and female, but rather attacks people of all ages and genders equally. Hemorrhoids is fairly harmless in the initial stages, but can become a source of concern and cause a lot of discomfort if it is not well attended to in its infancy.

The number of people suffering from hemorrhoids has more than doubled in recent years because of the trend that modern living has taken. We have taken to eating junk food and having meals at very irregular intervals. The fact that the food is not rich in fibre means that the colon cannot generate enough faecal matter to ensure regular bowel movement. This situation is known to be the leading cause of constipation, and constipation is the main cause of hemorrhoids.

Tight work schedules and a generally hectic lifestyle have seen the reduction in the time left for physical workouts and relaxation. The working class spend most of their time practically "motionless"! If they are not moving in vehicles or planes (instead of they themselves physically moving!), then they are "busy" in front of the computer or the TV screen, etc. This type of life is the cause of obesity in many adults and children alike today, and obesity is one of the factors that contribute to the development of hemorrhoids.

What are Hemorrhoids?

Before proceeding any further it is necessary that we are clear about what hemorrhoids actually are. Hemorrhoids is a term used to refer to swellings that develop within the inner linings of the anal walls as well as on the outside of the opening to the anus. They are sometimes also referred to as piles.

Classification of Hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids can be classified into different types depending on their location or stage of development, namely internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids, prolapsed hemorrhoids and bleeding hemorrhoids.

Internal hemorrhoids begin as small swellings inside the anus and then develop to a stage where they can be very bulky.External hemorrhoids usually occur around the opening to the anus.Bleeding hemorrhoids are characterised by bleeding especially during bowel movement.Prolapsed hemorrhoids are an advanced stage in the development of hemorrhoids during which the hemorrhoids start sagging and protruding from the anus.

Hemorrhoids Causes.

Hemorrhoids develop as a result of various factors put together. The most common causes of hemorrhoids are:

Chronic constipation.


Poor feeding, especially junk foods with less fibre in them.

Lack of physical exercise

Prolonged sitting on hard surface

Very hard labour and lifting heavy loads


Hemorrhoids Symptoms

Hemorrhoids manifest itself in various ways depending on the stage they have reached in their development cycle. Some of the symptoms are not conclusive, that is to say, they do not provide concrete proof that one has haemorrhoids. Generally speaking, however, these are the common symptoms of hemorrhoids:

Swellings in and around the anus

Presence of blood on stool

Swollen anal veins

Inflamed anus and itching

Prolapsed anal tissue

Hemorrhoids Treatment

A haemorrhoid is a treatable disease and there are several self-medication products on the market for alleviating its symptoms, besides the clinical methods that can be administered in the hospital.

Hemorrhoids or its symptoms can be treated by applying various creams and ointments to the affected region, using surgery (in case of severe hemorrhoids), by tying up the hemorrhoids at the root to cut off blood supply (rubber band ligation), and by injecting medication into the swollen veins or lumps.

Author is a health counsellor & researchers. is offering information on different aspects of hemroids such as internal hemroids, external hemroids and bleeding hemroids. For more information visit and for its treatments hemorrhoids treatment

How to Treat Hemorrhoids Fast?

Hemorrhoids can be a painful condition that can interfere with your quality of life in many significant ways. Thankfully, there are a number of hemorrhoids treatment options available, although not all of them provide the fast relief you may want. Below is an overview of some of your options.

Hemorrhoids Treatment Choices

When you're experiencing the symptoms of hemorrhoids, the first place you'll probably head is to your local pharmacy for some over-the-counter remedies. Some of these can reduce mild swelling and irritation associated with your hemorrhoid problem. Unfortunately, they won't do much to alleviate the problem long term. You'll need to keep applying the medication on a regular basis if you want to reduce your pain and overall discomfort.

Your Physician's Recommendation

If your pain continues or if the problem persists, you may actually speak to your physician about the problem. In most cases, he or she will provide you with a prescription for a topical cream similar to what you were using over-the-counter but at a stronger dosage. After using the cream a few times, you may see some relief but you'll also have to contend with the potential side effects and the high price of the prescription. When your hemorrhoids relief involves a prescription, you can be pretty confident the price is going to be outrageous, especially if you don't have prescription drug coverage as part of your health insurance.

For severe cases, your physician may say the only hemorrhoids cure available is surgery. Of course, going under the knife is never a pleasant option nor is it going to be an affordable option for most sufferers. Recovery time will be longer and you'll have to be careful not to cause further injury to the area.

Better Choices

The best way to find relief from this condition is to increase the amount of fiber and water in your diet to combat the chief cause of the problem: chronic constipation. Next, you need to follow the advice offered by Hemorrhoids guides and take an all natural product that has been proven to provide results.

To know how to get rid of hemorrhoids permanently and effectively, visit the complete online guide on hemorrhoids and know the best hemorrhoids treatment options.

Treatment Options For Hemorrhoid Sufferers

Often discomfort while sitting or blood in the stool can be attributed to hemorrhoids. Mild hemorrhoids will typically respond to at home treatment, while more severe cases may require surgical intervention. There are a number of treatment options that hemorrhoid sufferers may consider. Always consult a doctor to discuss which treatment option is right for you, as the best course of action depends on the amount of pain or bleeding present and how the hemorrhoid presents. If you have a family history of bowel or colon problems, common hemorrhoid symptoms may actually be indicative of a more serious problem.

A hemorrhoid is a swollen vein in the rectum. External hemorrhoids can often be seen while internal hemorrhoids may be diagnosed by bleeding when defecating. The two most common indicators of the presence of hemorrhoids are pain and bleeding during bowel movements, but these symptoms are common in other types of bowel disease as well. If pain or bleeding occurs but there is no visible hemorrhoid, speak with a doctor.

Hemorrhoids are common ailments that can be brought on by a number of factors. They are most common in those over the age of 50. Pregnant women will often develop them as well as those who suffer from constipation. Hemorrhoids can be prevented with a fiber rich diet that will encourage regularity and ease of bowel movements. Stool softeners and fiber supplements can be purchased over the counter, which can also reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids.

Home treatment options are usually the best place to start, as they are non-invasive and readily available. Though external hemorrhoids are often the most painful, they may require nothing more than a gentle push back into the body for relief. The decreased pressure on the swollen area will provide immediate pain relief and lessen irritation. If a hemorrhoid is visible but not bleeding, this may be all that is necessary.

Hemorrhoid creams are common, and these over the counter treatments are often quite effective. They are applied topically and will provide an immediate reduction in itching and pain. Note that all creams should be applied to a clean area, so incorporate their application into an after shower routine. Most drugstores offer a vast selection, so solicit the advice of your doctor in selecting the one that is right for you. While many only promise symptom relief, some may encourage the development of scar tissue, which will reduce the chance of hemorrhoids in the future.

Surgical and fixative procedures are available for the most serious hemorrhoid cases. A fixative procedure usually consists of cutting of the blood supply to a hemorrhoid with a restrictive rubber band. Less blood means less swelling and pressure, so the reduction in pain will be quick. This is an outpatient procedure, and is done to avoid surgery. Chronically bleeding hemorrhoids may require invasive surgery. The area will be frozen or removed with a scalpel. This is a serious surgery, and will require bed rest for recovery.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

3 Natural Remedies For Hemorrhoids - Uncover Remedies For You

Hemorrhoids is a common condition that many of us do not know the correct spelling. The correct name is Hemorrhoids. It is common in both men and women. Hemorrhoids can occur almost at any time, but become more common with advancing age. Those who experienced it have a tendency to have it again unless something is done to prevent them. Many people are confused between cancer and Hemorrhoids. Actually, Hemorrhoids do not become cancer, but some forms of cancer can cause symptoms similar to those of Hemorrhoids. Although Hemorrhoids occur in everyone, they become large and cause problems for just only four percent of the world population. Here are some natural remedies for hemorrhoids that can help your get rid of it from your life:

Firstly, you should not spend all of your day sitting on a desk in front of a computer. Prolonged sitting is the most common cause of Hemorrhoids. If you job forces you to sit all day, you should give yourself a time to take a walk once in a while. This is because when you're sitting, your anal which contains many blood vessels will gain some pressure. That's when the condition starts.

Secondly, eating more fruits and vegetables which has high fiber can significantly reduce your chance of having hemorrhoids. So, don't forget to grab these remedies next time you go to supermarket.

Last natural remedies for Hemorrhoids I proudly present is your courage. I know hemorrhoids is very embarrassing but it doesn't mean that you have to keep it and hiding yourself from a doctor or proper treatment. Many patients leave themselves in the corner of the room hoping that one day they will amazingly recover. That's really wrong. You should put yourself in front of doctors and receive best treatment for hemorrhoids before it's too late.

Do you know that there is a hidden secret of natural remedies for Hemorrhoids without creams, pills or even surgery by using 100% natural method? Yes, it's true. For more information, please visit site Natural Hemorrhoids Relief and you won't have to live with Hemorrhoids again.

Easy Hemorrhoids Relief

Millions of people around the world suffer from a painful condition known as hemorrhoids. While this is a condition most find difficult and embarrassing to discuss with their physicians, getting the correct hemorrhoids treatment which can be vital to preventing serious health problems, including a loss of blood. Below is more information on this problem and how you can find hemorrhoids relief.

The Causes of the Problem

Hemorrhoids can be caused by a wide range of issues and usually more than one factor is at the heart of the problem. Sitting in one place for long periods of time, having irregular bowel movements, drinking insufficient amounts of fluid, eating too little fiber, straining too much during defecation, and more can lead to this painful condition.

Generally, the problem does not go away without some type of attention either. The swelling and pain may go away temporarily but you can expect repeated flare-ups and re-occurrences.

Hemorrhoids Symptoms

Before you can begin thinking about hemorrhoids treatments, you need to be sure that is what you have and that requires knowing something about the symptoms. Different symptoms show themselves first. For some, the first indication of a problem is blood in the stool or blood present after passing stool.

For other people, the first signs are a serious pain while straining to pass stool and a lingering burning or stinging sensation. Some people also have itching in the rectal area. All of these symptoms are related to the earliest stages of this problem. If nothing is done, it will get worse and will cause additional symptoms, such as dizziness and excessive blood loss.

Getting Help

Whether you're too embarrassed to speak to your physician or you simply want an effective treatment for this problem that you can use in the privacy of your own home, you can search for effective hemorrhoids treatments available online and plus get aware of hemorrhoids, its symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention to get relief from it to some extent.

Find complete information about hemorrhoids and learn yourself how can you get rid of hemroids easily and effectively, or know how can you protect yourself from this deadly disease.

Hemorrhoids - Diagnosis and Symptoms

Hemorrhoids, also referred to by the more antiquated term piles, are a condition when the veins around the rectum become swollen and tender, it can be embarrassing to discuss, even with a doctor, but keep in mind that it is a very common problem. Although a lot of people have hemorrhoids, not every person will experience symptoms. The most general symptom of internal hemorrhoids can be blood covering the stool, on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl. In more severe cases, internal hemorrhoids can protrude from the rectum, becoming swollen and sore, this is called a prolapsed hemorrhoid and it is a potentially more serious condition.

It's estimated that above three-quarters of all people in the US will experience hemorrhoids at some period in their lives, with occurrence become more prevalent as we age. The most common age people begin having trouble with hemorrhoids is from 45 to 65 years old, pregnant woman also experience a higher rate of hemorrhoid problems. Internal hemorrhoids or those that located inside the anal cavity ordinarily bring about painless bleeding after a bowel movement, but any anal bleeding can be a sign of a more serious medical problem so it is crucial to consult a doctor. External hemorrhoids can usually be both seen and felt as a small protuberance close to the rectum. External hemorrhoids usually case patients more problems and symptoms than internal hemorrhoids because of the simple fact that the hemorrhoid is not protected inside the body, as in the case of internal hemorrhoids, and it then becomes subjected to daily stress.

External hemorrhoids ordinarily produce signs of tenderness and itching when swollen. Internal hemorrhoids are normally painless but may result in bleeding. While hemorrhoids may bring about rectal bleeding, if you exhibit bleeding, don't just guess that it is hemorrhoids, because some types of tumors or other more serious health problems can also be the cause of rectal bleeding, so you need to consult your health professional to eliminate any other health concerns.

Some anorectal problems, including fissures, or anusitis may produce similar symptoms and are regularly incorrectly referred to as hemorrhoids. Some conditions that may affect the rectum and colon can also produce bleeding, irritation, and pain but nearly all people who suffer one of these signs automatically assume they have hemorrhoids, however frequently they don't. That's why a doctor's exam is so essential even for something as seemingly inconsequential as hemorrhoids.

When bleeding or other anal problems occur, you doctor most likely will urge a colonoscopy, this exam allows your health professional to inspect the inner lining of your rectum. A narrow, flexible tube is used to inspect the large intestine. A colonoscopy can help to locate not just hemorrhoids, but also ulcers, anal problems, and cancer. During a colonoscopy, tissue samples may be taken and then screened for malignancy or precancerous cells.

Remember, ahead of this colonoscopy, you will need to clean out your colon. This colon prep could take one or two days, dependent on what the doctor prescribes. A few preps can be taken the evening before your procedure. For most sufferers, the prep for this examination is more difficult than the real colonoscopy. Get organized for staying at home all through your prep time since you will have to use the bathroom frequently. Also, the prep causes loose, frequent stools so your colon should be clear for the test. The prep may well be disagreeable plus you could feel hungry on the liquid diet. Should you have to take a special solution as part of your colonoscopy prep, make sure you get masses of soft drinks standing by to consume following the prep liquid since it tastes foul.

Commonly, hemorrhoids are not hazardous and in nearly all cases, hemorrhoid symptoms should disappear within a few days if treated properly. Generally hemorrhoids can be treated with changes to lifestyle and bowel routine. Commonly hemorrhoid relief does not rely on surgery unless the hemorrhoids are very sizeable and causes the patient a lot of discomfort. The aim of non-surgical methods to cure hemorrhoids is to decrease the existing blood supply going to the hemorrhoid so it will shrink and disappear. The scar left in its place helps support the anal area and helps prevent other hemorrhoids from forming.

These non-surgical methods can include tying off the hemorrhoids with a rubber band or utilizing heat to create scar tissue. Otherwise, surgery can be necessary for larger hemorrhoids, if a patient has many hemorrhoids, or if other treatments have not worked. Sometimes a mixture of treatments - for illustration, a non-surgical procedure together with dietary modification may be the most effective method to cure hemorrhoids.

For most people, hemorrhoids are caused by excessive straining in the course of bowel movements, especially with constipation. Pregnancy, lack of exercise, and some medical conditions may be additional causes of constipation which then may lead to hemorrhoids. The best way to alleviate constipation is through lifestyle changes such as adding extra fiber to your normal meals, drinking a lot of water, and staying fit.

For pregnant women, hemorrhoids can be a familiar problem caused by hormone changes together with increased pressure by the developing fetus. In pregnancy, the major reason for hemorrhoids is constipation. Excessive straining when moving your bowels can place increased pressure on the already stressed veins, so if you experience regular constipated during pregnancy, you may want to consult your doctor about obtaining a mild laxative. The best thing to do may be to dodge being constipated at the start by drinking a lot of water together with regularly eating a number of foods that are rich in fiber, for example fruits and whole grains.

When pregnant, you will probably have to have a day or more of staying in bed to lift weight off swollen, irritated anal veins. Once you are between 3 and 6 months pregnant, you will probably find it most comfortable to lie down on your side. For those who are currently not pregnant, sleeping on your stomach with a cushion under your hips can assist in reducing the swelling of hemorrhoids.

In addition to preventing constipation, there here are some additional tips that may help with hemorrhoid treatment and reducing symptoms. Keep the anal area as clean as possible. Using medicated wipes may be more soothing than regular toilet paper. Try to avoid sitting and standing for prolonged periods of time, which can place stress on internal hemorrhoids. In addition, when you sit, an inflated donut or an ice pack may provide some relief. Use soaps that contain no perfumes or colorings as these may irritate symptoms. If you try these simple steps, but your hemorrhoids grow more painful, you may need to seek a surgical solution, but keep in mind that in most instances, hemorrhoids are a very minor health concern and if treated properly can be eliminated altogether.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Methods Commonly Used to Treat Hemorrhoids

Sometimes the veins in the rectum can become enlarged, which can cause hemorrhoids and pain to occur. There are many different causes of hemorrhoids, some of which are constipation and straining with bowel movements, pregnancy, and liver disease. Because of the increased pressure on the veins that these conditions can cause, hemorrhoids sometimes are the end result. Hemorrhoids are most common in people who are over fifty years of age, but they can actually occur at any age. A person with hemorrhoids might notice bleeding, which can appear on toilet paper or as streaks of blood on the stool, although it is usually easy to stop this type of bleeding. There also might be additional pain and swelling caused by the formation of a clot in the hemorrhoid.

For simple hemorrhoid cases, there are a number of different home hemorrhoid treatments that can effectively bring relief. These include taking a sitz bath several times a day, especially after a bowel movement. Sitz baths not only help to reduce the swelling, but they can also provide relief from the itching and pain caused by hemorrhoids.

Dietary changes are also often suggested for those with hemorrhoids. These changes include drinking more water and fluids, and adding foods that are high in fluids and fiber to the diet. These dietary changes work by making the stool softer, which means that bowel movements are not as irritating to the hemorrhoids. Many people also use a mild stool softener to get relief, but harsh laxatives should never be used. Some of the pain and swelling of hemorrhoids can be relieved by using over-the-counter ointments, creams and suppositories.

There are certain circumstances where one should seek medical attention for hemorrhoid treatment. One of the situations is when a clot forms in a hemorrhoid, which cannot be treated with home methods, and can be quite painful. A doctor is able to remove such a clot surgically. This can almost always be done in the doctor's office, with nothing other than a local anesthesia. The clot is removed by the doctor by making a small incision into the hemorrhoid, and then a small bandage is applied to prevent further bleeding. After a clot has been surgically removed, the patient will experience a reduction in their level of pain.

If a person has a prolapsed hemorrhoid, this is another reason to seek medical attention. When the hemorrhoid has been pushed out of the anus, it is often necessary for a doctor to push it back in, or perform a surgical procedure to reduce the swelling.

It sometimes becomes a medical necessity to remove a person's hemorrhoids, especially if they are very painful or causing the patient other problems. The doctor might choose to use a rubber band method to cut off the blood supply to the hemroid, or possibly use a medication which is designed to shrink the hemorrhoid. These simple types of medical procedures can usually be performed without additional problems or complications in the doctor's office.

Curing Hemorrhoids in 48 Hours at Home

Hemorrhoids are an ill-fated condition which occurs when intense pressure is placed on the anal canal causing the veins to swell. Hemorrhoids are not life threatening or dangerous but can be very painful. Most of the time the problems can be minor but at times it may turn to be more severe and can even require surgery. If you have severe pain or bleeding then it is always advisable to consult with your physician. However, knowing its symptoms at earlier stage can help in curing this problem much earlier and easier than people might think. There are various hemorrhoids self-treating methods that can be easily followed naturally in home. Here are few important tips that can in very beneficial in curing hemorrhoids naturally:

Change your lifestyle- It is important that you do not put any needless stress on the veins inside the anal cavity. This generally includes not sitting around for a long duration of time and exercising frequently to improve bowel movements. When you need to relieve yourself, be sure to do so right away and not to strain.

Change your diet- Diet actually plays a very major part in curing hemorrhoids. A bad diet can make the situation worse. So the best and the simplest hemorrhoids home treatment methods can be making a change in your daily diet. You must stop or avoid too much of processed foods as this may be major cause harder stool and digestive problems. You must intake foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains as they soften your stool and improve your digestive system. Drink enough water every day, as it may treat your constipation naturally. 

Use herbal remedies properly- The procedure of using herbal remedies is possibly one of the most effective hemorrhoids home treatment procedure to reduce swelling and inflammation. Most of the herbal remedies contain healing properties that in turn soothe the burning sensation around the rectal area. The best advantage of using herbal remedies is - it not just helps in curing hemorrhoid symptoms, but also ensures this problem doesn't happen again in the future. There several kinds of herbs like Emu Oil and Vitamin E Oil that you can use to cure this problem. Besides this, you may even use witch hazel in order to reduce the swelling and bleeding condition by applying three times a day. 

Apart from all this, sitz bath treatment is also the great way to cure hemorrhoid. You can enjoy sitz bath by filling a tub with warm water and sit in there around ten to fifteen minutes, twice a day. Moreover, in order to get more better and quick result, you may also add some essential oils like - juniper, geranium or lavender.Though hemorrhoids are painful and uncomfortable, but it can be definitely cured or prevented. Neglecting it due to humiliation is not the good way to deal with the problem. By using natural and home hemorrhoid treatment effectively you can cure it by yourself at home. All you require to do is follow this simple steps or tips. These natural and self cures have been around for years and you can take advantage of them easily.

Know complete information about hemorrhoids and learn yourself about hemorrhoids cure easily and effectively at home.

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Friday, September 24, 2010

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

No More Hemorrhoids


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